

Designite featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Liang Bai Kai

The main function of the bottle is to contain cool-down boiled water (Meaning Liang Bai Kai). What comes next is the label-less bottle contains and shares with the consumers an important part of ancient Chinese art. The inspiration is from the national treasury artwork of the Riverside Scene from Tsingming made in the Song dynasty over 1000 years ago.

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Guo Cui Wu Du

This white spirit product, named Guocui Wudu, is from Henan Province, China. The liquor is made from five traditional Chinese medicinal materials that are soaked and brewed. On the market, competitive products more or less contain some dregs left during the brewing process. By contrast, the biggest selling point of this product is that through multiple processes, the purity of the liquor approximates a zero-impurity state, which gives consumers a stronger sense of security. Therefore, designers determined "cleanliness" as the keynote of package design to manifest the biggest feature.

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Ancora is a brand store that sells fountain pens and stationaries. Nowadays, digitalization and information and communication technology have been progressing rapidly. On the other hand, Ancora focuses on the revival of analog in-person communication. Ancora reconsiders these values in which their way of writing, drawing from the heart provides joy that also delivers a special experience such as customizable fountain pens that can be combined in a myriad of ways; and ink blending using a cocktail shaker.

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Conceptual Calendar for French premium glass manufacture Lalique. Connecting the world of unique handmade glass production by a premium manufacturer and the world that is entirely handmade from paper. To create an amazing imaginary space in which the luxurious world of glass and visual art is combined. Together with perfect printing technology, large format, special effects and surface treatments, they form a breath-taking story that will entertain you all year long.Great attention was paid to every detail and also on extremely precise processing and the top-quality print result.

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The Storyteller

The Storyteller goal is to become an augmented immersive and personal, intimist experience, through a vessel that must be held in one’s hand, fully appreciated upon glancing and handling, feeling the frosted and clear textures, the gold trims and knurl, and ultimately the obsidian details of the closure, in what is a fully sensorial and experiential bottle design. All the remaining accessories are hidden in plain sight, and only accessible from different axis of the box, only to reveal the ultimate immersive experience by fully exploring the secrets The Storyteller has to offer.

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Sakura Shimizu

This package was created as a branding project for a floral artist. All of the brand's tools were created in a uniform gray color, which shows the true colors of the flowers. The packaging is designed in a simple achromatic color so as not to detract from the quality of the client artist's work. The symbol is based on the typography of a Japanese character meaning "flower", and all brand tools are created around this symbol. By using this "kanji" symbol, the client communicated to consumers its position as a Japanese floral artist.

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